Tools and technical aspects
In most videoconferencing tools and if appropriate for the size of the event, the chat function can be used for first introductions. Participants might be asked to include their full name, institution and function in their profile or to write it in the chat.
Breakout rooms can be used for initial getting to know each other, short discussions, or group work.
A virtual flip chart can be prepared in PowerPoint, e.g. an attractive design combined with a question. The presenter can insert a text box and share his or her screen. The participants’ contributions are then directly written down and are visible to everyone. These flip charts can also be sent to the participants as documentation at the end of the event.
There is a large selection of virtual group exercises, e.g. Energizer, exercises from the improvisational theater, self- or team-reflection in small groups that can be used as warm-up exercises at the beginning of an event (see links below).