
combines project management, communication and collaboration in a single platform.

Stackfield ( combines project management, communication and collaboration in a single platform, which prevents constant switching between multiple tools for different purposes. Stackfield links all content in a way that makes the exchange within the team traceable and transparent. Registered full users can comment on all elements and upload file attachments. Guests have restricted permissions to perform such actions. Unlike US providers, Stackfield is subject to European and German data protection laws only.  All file transfers, chats, etc. in Stackfield are encrypted end-to-end.


Suitable for

Project teams or other groups working on a common project over an extended period of time, who need a tool for (asynchronuous) communication, collaboration and project management.


Moodle distinguishes between Resources (e.g. learning materials) and Activities (e.g. communication tools). To create resources and activities, manager access to the room is required.

Number of participants

Depends on user licenses. Under the premium plan, unlimited external users can be added free of charge.


Compared to other virtual collaboration tools, there are not as many online tutorials (e.g. video tutorials) available in English.

Some users reported experiencing difficulties with the integrated videoconferencing tool.

User considerations and troubleshooting

  • In case two-factor authentication is activated, users should ideally be informed beforehand since it is necessary to download an authentication app, i.e. “free OTB”.
  • Before using two-factor authentication, employees should be informed that the backup codes, which the user receives upon activation, will be required if the mobile device can no longer be accessed. Therefore, it is best to keep the backup codes in several different locations or to use a reliable password manager.
  • For further advice, read: How to make sure that no one is left behind in the transition to virtual collaboration in the Capacity Development Online Navigator.


In Stackfield you can create:

  • Global rooms which anyone can join
  • Closed rooms to which participants must be invited
  • Project rooms with additional project-relevant features.

There is an option to create room templates so that the same room settings can be applied to several rooms.

Stackfield offers advanced data protection options and encryption methods such as IP whitelists, two-factor authentication, and room encryption.

The room settings in Stackfield can be customized so that certain functional areas (e.g. private chatrooms) can be deactivated. This avoids information being shared through too many different channels.

  • One can quickly contact Stackfield’s support through a chat. A real-life support person will reply instead of an automated bot.
  • Stackfield is useful for managing tasks and facilitates asynchronous workflows. For more advice, read: How to cooperate efficiently in remote teams.


Sophie Salimkhani

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